
Reduce distractions

See only the information you need and only the tools you use

chart view

Re-order sections of the chart to prioritize what you see first.

Turn off sections of the chart to eliminate what you don’t need.

Leave the chart as it was with each section remembering its collapsed or expanded state.

navigation sidebar

On a user-by-user basis, change which pages you can reach most quickly.

Eliminate the extra icons and options you don’t need to build a simpler and cleaner navigation bar.

active patient display

Configure which patient information is always visible in the top bar, including patient contact information, upcoming appointments, and more.

Software that just fits

Customize your EMR to match your practice

Customizable table columns

Rearrange and remove columns in the billing table, daybook, waitlists, and more.

Customizable vitals measurements

Re-order vitals measurements to lay out what you see first. Turn off vitals measurements that aren’t relevant to you. Customize units to see metric, imperial, or both.

Customizable patient labels

Design custom patient labels to print for different applications. Generate labels from the calendar, chart, and more. Print with any label printer.

Customizable appointment types for each provider

Customize category names, times, and colours on a provider-by-provider basis. When booking with a provider, see only the appointment categories for them.

Customize more

Just a few examples:
Customize your default task recipient.
Change the default page you log in to (for example: calendar, inbox, etc.).
Default prescriptions to “do not substitute”.
Choose to automatically advance to the next document in your inbox when you review.
Show full comments for history items in the sidebar, or shorten them to the first line.
Customize calendar settings, including start and end time, time interval, columns, and more.
Configure fax default cover page contents.
Float your own documents or encounters to the top of lists.
And many more!

Get in touch to learn more:

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Discuss transitions and data import.
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Find out more about how LibreMD can help to improve your practice.
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